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The first thing I made in pico 8

I just kind of made this to see how stuff works in the engine and all

Cart #rojoyafpa-1 | 2024-09-06 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



This masterpiece, clearly inspired by the works of Kasimir Malevitch, deserves its Absolutely nothing title. Not only is it nothing, but every single one of the 16384 pixels has been set to the exact same shade of black, making them each as empty as the whole, hence absolutely nothing. You can also dicern the audacity of putting to the extreme the black square on a black background concept by using the same black for both. This art may well be remembered in the future as the starting point of a neo-suprematist artistic movement.
You will note the clever use of the new media to accompany the visuals with a perfectly fitting sound track.
Another probable source of inspiration could be the recently released “The Ultimate Word Of zep”
This is a bit polemic as on the surface level, the visuals and sounds are almost opposites, but when you dig deeper, you can see that the controls are exactly the same, and the conclusion is a shocking reveal with a deep message in both art pieces.
In “Absolutely nothing” you ça feel the will of the author to never give up on its origins and go further in the same spirit, and this is felt in a clearer way for TUWOz , making them fake opposites in form, but very near in message.

Big thanks to Chad Great PoeT for his availability and help in understanding this art.


Thank you for your feedback, im glad someone was able to see all the underlying messages





This is Absolutely Nothing!

Try the List if needed!

- item 1
- item 2

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