Thank you for clicking on this blog post! I have something very special to share with all of you.
This is a mod called "Pipe Dream", which has been in the works for many months now. Some of you in the Celeste Classic discord server may have seen this already, but for anyone else, here are a few videos of the type of content to expect in the full game.
Here we can see one of the several core mechanics, the water! Everything underwater is shaded too, which makes for some really interesting looking levels. The background tiles and ground tiles are supposed to give a sort of encrusted or run down ocean-y vibe, which i feel it does somewhat well in their current state.
Oh! theres the elephant in the room, and a big elephant it is. "water is cool, but its just water! do something special!" Well, i have a treat for you! This mod is a Metroidvania! That means that backtracking and spitting paths are common, and sometimes you wont have everything you need to get to an area, so youll have to explore around a bit. This gif shows multiple exits and backtracking, which was a pain to get working and optimise, but it came out really well.
Hey, Who turned out the lights!? I did! now, before you yell at me, There will never be an invisible tile or spike. No dark room puzzles here! well, the room is dark, but you know what i mean. (right?) Some levels will take place very deep underwater! The environment is colder, Its a lot harder to see, but fear not! By the power of Bio-luminescence (And normal luminescence), Some objects, including the player, will emit a light source! Yes, this basically does nothing since no tiles will ever be invisible, but it looks REALLY cool okay?
Im sure youre all thinking "Wow! This looks amazing! i want to play it so bad!", and, well, first of all, thank you, and second of all, Lets talk about release dates.
The release window is...
Drum-roll please....
Uh, Well, im not exactly sure. I have so many ideas for levels and mechanics and visuals that i really have no idea how long the mod will take. I want to say by the end of the year, but i said the same thing for CORE and that didnt end up happening (lol). My hopes, is that i can finish by the end of the year, but again, i really dont know. Ive been working on this a lot, but school is about to start again, and ill have a lot less time then i do now. I will release this eventually, so dont be upset if it takes a long time. The longer i take, the more polished and developed this mod will become.
If you're really dying for an anti mod, Look forward to 'Frozen Caves', Releasing VERY soon! (Or you could check out some of my other things :3)
Thank you for reading!
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