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Cart #vidcam-0 | 2024-08-13 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

This is my first post and my first picotron project.

This is a proof of concept.
And this doesn't technically work without the python file.

It may be called a cheater because most of the work is done with a python file that edits the info file.
And only some of it is in picotron.

Go to:
https://lexaloffle.com/media/103068/2024-08-13 23-33-35.mp4
and the main video will be downloaded. Where you can see most of the work.



Wow, great work! Does the python script edit a file in the drive folder? I wonder if it would work better with fetch() and a local http server...

@Soupster It edits the caminfo.lua file which is basically a config file and it stores the image data.

Do not understand why these posts exists without actual code to showcase.

@alphaqueueop sorry, I dont know how to create a post for Picotron without a Cart

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