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Hey, I thinkered around with pico-8 before but never got to try to make a game or something. So I decided to change that and make my first attempt on it. I gave myself 3 days to do something and today is actually the third day, but I think Im fine for now.

Cart #donkaykongi-0 | 2024-08-08 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

I think the project was a little too big for a first one. It wasnt complicated but if I wasnt following a tutorial this game would have look a lot different :D. (I used nerdyteachers tutorials on platformers.) Since I had limited time I really messed up the code on some parts. So dont judge the code please. Also game isnt finished or anything. I dont know it will be ever finished mainly because of collision system and jumbelled code. But it was fun and I wanted to share it. And kinda proud of it. So yeah enjoy I guess.

right and left arrows to move monke.
down arrow to duck.
z to jump.
x to roll.
(jump out of a roll to get extra height)


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