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Throughout this month, I've been idly working on a first PICO-8 game with a bit of assistance from my three kids. There's a bit of a story as to where the inspiration came from but I'll spare the details for now.
We've really enjoyed Vampire Survivors for a while and although I've seen a couple of games in this vein for PICO-8, I didn't see them right away and it's maybe a bit underrepresented, I thought? So we went with it. It's not meant to be a demake/adaptation or anything. Among other things, there's no attempt to implement "waves" of enemies.
I think I've figured out everything I wanted to, pretty much, although some movement and targeting could probably be fixed somewhat. Future plans include implementing some form of upgrades/level-ups and pickups. Honestly, I'd like to get that part done in the next 3 days to say it was wrapped in a month.
No particular point to this post right now other than sharing! But feedback is welcome.

Cart #minisurv-0 | 2024-07-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


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