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Cart #p8highlighter-1 | 2024-07-25 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

P8 Syntax Highlighter

An advanced PICO-8 lua syntax highlighter in just 356 tokens! Call highlight(code) to receive a printable p8scii string. All the colors can be modified by changing their corresponding p8scii color at the top of the script.

Check it out on | Github


All examples generated with P8 Syntax Highlighter

If you end up using this, please share it here!


  • Implemented string delimitting (or however that's spelt) [397 Tokens]

Wow, impressive!
Can you really call it advanced if you can't delimit strings like this? [==[ foo ]==] :P

@Soupster imma be honest, I've never seen that B)
But I imagine it'd be easy to add support. I only started working on this earlier today, but I'll definitely see to adding anything I might've missed

  • (Edit) Got it working, just need to optimize :3
  • (Edit 2) Updated the cart :D

It is a pretty obscure Lua feature, but now you can really call it advanced! :P

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