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Here's Nybble Quest v36. It's very nearly done. All the loot, enemies, and NPCs are done. (I'm almost out of tokens, so they better be done!) I still want to add some detail to some of the wide open areas. And some objects need to be nudged a pixel here or there.

It took me 10 minutes to run through the game, but I know where everything is, so it'll take others longer.

Cart #nybble_quest_v36-0 | 2024-07-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Here's the map, if you're interested. Feel free to consult it while playing, or not. I ain't the boss a you.

The game is also playable via my web site:



Very nice! It took me about 30 minutes to finish. Love the map, nice variety of terrain/locations. Fun little quest!


Just got started with it. Maybe it's just my system, but I can't hear music. If there isn't any music, it'd be a great addition. The game seems to be fun and interesting.


Nice & easy exploration, minimal backtracking, didn't get hit even once. At least that way I had health packs left for me to grab once I was king.
Code wise, you have 3000 tokens worth of game objects in _init.
This could be reduced to around 300 if you use a string parser like parens-8 for example.


I love it. Congratulations on nearing completion with Nybble Quest v36! It sounds like a labor of love with all the elements in place. Looking forward to trying it out on your website. Best of luck with the final tweaks! My cousin needed help with her admission essay and used https://academized.com/write-my-admission-essay She was very pleased with the outcome. The essay was well-written and highlighted her strengths. It helped her get accepted into her first-choice university.

Thanks for all the comments. I've been out of town and couldn't respond until now. Responses, in order:

  1. Yep, a casual half an hour puttering around a varied map is what I was aiming for. The whole game is an exercise in how much variety can I create under the constraints of a 4 bit aesthetic plus my own limited PICO-8 skills. (This is my first game.)

  2. There's no music. There are barely any sound effects. (Low note of bad things. High note for good things. Little sweep when you become king.) I hadn't planned music and haven't even touched the sequencer. Maybe I'll try it out.

  3. I don't usually get hit, either. I wanted it to be an easy game where you usually don't die. I had also noticed that all those tables in _init() are horribly inefficient in terms of tokens. I think I'm good with the objects now, but if I need more, I could even just do some simple optimizations, like creating all those small gems by iterating over a table of x,y values. I'll take a look at parens-8. Every time you comment, I stick the ideas in my project notes!

  4. Thanks! I'm glad you loved it!

I did add some music, taken from a Gruber collection of songs.

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