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Cart #exorcistgame0-1 | 2024-07-01 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Posting for feedback on my game in early development. The concept/goal is to game-ify the performance of an exorcism. This version is the first attempt I ran with, and I'm already itching to explore other options for what this game could be, but getting kind of lost. I almost see it becoming a more undertale style turn-based battle with real time events. There's a lot of questions to answer. What ways could the demonic force challenge or fight the player? What's it mean mechanically to exorcise and maybe then fight the demon? Could faith as a resource come in to play? Adding horror elements? Ditch the three lives and use a health system? I'd love to get your thoughts. Thanks.



The mini-game mechanics work but feel too static. The game progress and your health/sanity could be expressed more dramatically.
For example, as you approach the possessed, the palette could turn darker and redder, and your exorcism could be felt by progressively turning the palette to normal. For your sanity/health, a wobbly effect that goes worse as you lose health could be applied.
Around this mini-game, you could have pretty much any style of game play, from choose your own adventure text to point and click to pokemon/undertale to platformer to risk like board game...

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