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Cart #burn_raz-0 | 2024-05-19 | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Please leave feedback so that I can expand/fix/improve my game!

It's a thing!
Kinda Atari-like in it's simplicity. Main mechanic is a bit fiddly but that's not necessarily bad.
It's fun to get long chains but the random distribution can be frustrating sometimes with a lot of downtime.
There's nothing really forcing you to burn anything. You can just sit there not pressing anything and nothing happens.

Thank you for the feedback!
I am working on a punishment/reward system were your score decreases for every wrong picture burned and correct picture not burned. Do you think making pixel art inside of the frames (with the bad picture being messed up), would incentivise you to burn the bad ones? (Also how do I add camera shake?)

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