How to play:
Arrows to move, X to start. You can step twice, before most monsters stepping once. There are exceptions to this rule.
Find Swords and Shields to help you overcome the enemy horde!
Search the key, uncover where the trapdoor is, and progress further to grab the McGuffin.
If you are interested in game development articles, code breakdowns and alikes, I try to document all my projects over at my Ko-fi Page, free to read!
The cart is fully commented out, feel free to download and check things if you are interested in the inner workings.
If you like this work, feel free to browse around my page and maybe check out my Ko-fi blog , where you can support me with a price of a coffee, to be able to fuel my coding habits and gain more retro games!
Big thanks to Csöndi for supporting my work over at Ko-fi
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