1k Defender
1k Defender is a little shmup made with 957 compressed bytes inside PICO-8!
This project was born from a failed submission to 1k jam 2022 and continuing it for the 2023 edition. Since I didn't felt it was eligible for the jam, I never uploaded it to it. A while ago I remembered it, so I spiced it up with a label and some sfx, but only those so it is a tad more enjoyable to play. We got a gameplay loop as well!
You can also check it out the raw one on GistHub:
Shoot the invading forces down to protect your planet. You need to restock on bullets from time to time in the depot (the up icon on the bottom left)
⬅️⬇️⬆️➡️ to move, ❎ to shoot
If you like this work, feel free to browse around my page and maybe check out my Ko-fi blog https://ko-fi.com/achiegamedev, where you can support me with a price of a coffee, to be able to fuel my coding habits and gain more retro games!
Big thanks to Csöndi, Nerdy Teachers and Anonymus for supporting my work over at Ko-fi

Looks like alot of work, I love the animations. The shipfire is cool too. It took me some time to figure out the ammo system, but i liked it. I could not play with sound now, but i will definitely in the future. I do find it sad you didnt submit your game to the jam. Great job :)
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