Thanks to Georgii Podshibikhin for music https://www.instagram.com/generalegovelich/?hl=en
Thanks to Yewbi for assets from https://unbent.itch.io/yewbi-playing-card-set-1
v6 (2024-08-10)
- add music, thanks Georgii Podshibikhin
- fix working with fake08 (should now work on myioo mini, fallback to pico8 0.2.5g)
v5 (2024-06-05)
- add deck pay2win (starts in shop with everything, $42 money)
- add abandoned deck
- add glass deck
- add cards to shop
- add neptune planet
- add glass cards
- add five of kind
- add captions to cards on hover
v4 (2024-06-05)
- add jokers (info screen second screen)
- silver deck with one joker
- game over after 32000 score (i will try big numbers next time)
- add switch order of cards by suit/rank in menu (- or enter)
- add shake and some tips when action is unavailable
- no duplicate planets in shop
- money in shop
v3 (2024-06-03)
- add deck choosing (red, blue, checkered)
- fix straight with ace and 2 3 4 5
- show count of cards in info screen by press 🅾️
- thanks @TonyTheTGR for suggestions

Note (you may be aware of this already): in the currently uploaded version, A2345 is not recognized as a Straight...

Was playing around with some code here - started off trying to add the A-5 straight (that wasn't too hard; just an OR {2,3,4,5,14} to the check), and then got to playing with deck ideas. I'm still struggling with some syntax issues, but here's a few decks I think you might find fun to play with:
Euchre Deck: A Double Deck of 9-A cards; higher base score requirements
Yahtzee Deck: A Double Deck of A-6 cards; has Small Straight but not Two Pair
Crowns Deck: A 5-Suit Deck with a Crowns Suit (this is trickier to implement than you'd think because of how the suit sprites are arranged... it's the big stumble in my syntax errors, tbh)
SkipBo Deck: All Spades, No Flushes Allowed
It's not 100% localthunk certified, but for the decks that use them, I've ranked Yahtzees/5 of a Kinds between Straight Flush and 4 of a Kind, with a +75/x7 yield, and +40/x3 upgrades. Small Straights are +20/x3 with upgrades of +30/x1.
Part of me also likes adding an upgrade option and selection for each remaining Hand to play; or adjusting Plays vs. Discards at the beginning for a simple difficulty curve option.
Hopefully I can unspaghetti this code into functional form and post it for you!

@TonyTheTGR I have updated game and maybe it will be easier to add new decks/game modes. I'm looking forward to add your decks to game. Thanks a lot.

I've found a bug! I'm currently able to buy upgrades without spending money.

Hi, version 5 has an error that makes it not work on the Miyoo Mini and Myioo Mini Plus.

@Ampath Thanks for report. This problem happens because of fake08 emulator. So I fallback to pico 0.2.5g and after that on my Myioo Mini it works fine. Check last version and I think it will work on your device.

hey , i'm using a miyoo mini plus and i'm getting an error , saw that someone else got the same thing but looks like it's back sadly :/ really wish to play that on my miyoo

can't make this work, I saved the p8 file put it in the pico8 folder but it doesn't show up. Instead it shows up in the RetroArch but when I run it it's just black screen with no sound.
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