P8NG is a project where I'm trying to learn PICO-8 and coding in general
This game uses the NerdyTeachers.com Pong tutorial, but I am trying to add things of my own to it! :)
See roadmap below
-- Bugfixes & Patches --
Game Released (v1.0)
Difficulty Bugfix (v1.1)
Menu Changes (v1.2)
Win and losing (v1.2)
Music (v1.2)
-- Roadmap --
Difficulty ✓ (Added v1.0)
2 Player Support ✓ (Added v1.1)
Win and Lose ✓ (Added v1.2)
Music ✓ (Added v1.2)
Options Menu & More options (higher win condition, change color of paddles)
After I finish this, I plan on making a game that is entirely my own, so if you have any suggestions then feel free to comment!
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