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Cart #boggle_zavale-3 | 2024-08-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA


this is a tool to play boggle (not a game) by default Spanish is selected but you can change to English from the menu


timer controls:


press shake to get a new board and start the timer
play and stop are obvious
press the timer itself to change the timer
there is an option in the pause menu to go back to the last board (used in case you shook the board by mistake)


use the tool to play boggle however you want

Behind the Scenes

the shake first chooses randomly a place for every die and then chooses a random face for each one


we'll get someone for the music and sound fx soon,,
my sister made us addicted to this game when she bought one and then one day she went on vacation and took the board with her,
had to make a little tool to be able to keep playing



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