I put a lot of work into it. Download it as a pdf or just expand the spoiler to read it on the BBS:
This game has tons of cycling colors and flashing graphics.
--PONY 9000--
My first game ever! Made with the help of @Krystman and the Lazy Devs tutorials/Discord and huge amounts of help from @Thego124
Got some more feedback, and implemented a new RAGE SYSTEM!! I know this makes the game a little easier, but I'm still planning on creating a "hard mode" that even the finest of mushmen would struggle (at least a teensy bit) with!

Idk, I built it using WASD and J&K, but maybe y'all are used to the arrow keys by now. If you're playing on the BBS on desktop, might I suggest crossing your arms (that's how I do it lol).
Feedback welcome, I'm currently working on a Special Edition that includes Speako8 voice synthesis, which will likely have to be posted on itch.io when I get it integrated.
- Speako8 voice integration via multicart (v.0.9.2 is already almost maxed out)
- Difficulty Settings
- High Scores
- Other features you ask for

50400, good game loop but could use mor powerups and such and different enemy types

Thanks for the feedback! The sequel is going to have more powerups and enemy types. I actually had coded a few more enemy types in but they got lost in the sauce. I also thought about adding a bomb, that might come in the special edition once I figure out how to crunch this down and add the menus and such ^_^

That was a nice game. 1st play I lost against the 1st full metal wave, 2nd play I lost against the boss, 3rd time's the charm.
The 20 waves felt too long on 3rd play-thru. A check-point before the boss would have been nice, and starting without bonuses and with a score reset to 0 would have felt fair to me. Maybe another check-point after wave 10 also ?
I'm curious about the title screen : did you make a higher res higher color depth image that you converted to pico-8 palette ?
If so, you could have an even better looking label image in 32 colors.
Maybe also an even better looking in-game one using palette 2 ?

@RealShadowCaster I didn't know you could do 32 colors, that's rad! I did do a new label image that looked better in 16 colors, but if I could do 32 with the label import command in immediate mode I'm all over it. I was based on an image I'd generated in full color. I considered messing with the secret palette in game but I decided against it for this particular cart. The sequel Pony 24K will more than likely use it though. I'm not sure if I'm going to add a checkpoint system, there are plenty of classic shmups that give you 4 lives and game over with no checkpoint whatsoever, but they also have mini-bosses so... idk. I might? I could play around with it. I'm adding a rage system for clearing waves faster so it might not be an issue on v.2.0 when I release it.

@RealShadowCaster ok I made a 32 color image but I can't import it as the label without it reducing back down to 16. Do I have to manipulate the memory?

this is just an example, I haven't put the title in the image yet, nor have I added the eye laser. Currently the label for the updated version I'm working on is this:

Which is still pretty rad but if I could do 32 color that would be based

This looks great @arrowonionbelly. For the label, you can save as .p8 and then edit the label section. The secret colors start at letter g up to v. If you need a tool to convert your PNGs to pico-8 text labels, I could make one next week-end.
For the in game title graphics, you can also go beyond the 16 colors, but not freely. You can have two palettes, each with 16 colors amongst the 32, and for each line you can choose witch one of the two palettes you are using. The most used colors should be in both palettes, reducing the actual total of colors of the image.
Instead of lines, you can also use the rotate screen poke to have your image palettes apply to columns, if it gives better looking results.
There's also a 64x128 video mode and 128x64 video mode where you can freely use all 32 colors, but the loss of resolution would likely not be worth the color gain. Blinking at 60FPS one 64x128 screen with the pixel data of pixels that have an even sum for their coordinates, followed by a 128x64 with the pixel data of pixels that have an odd sum of coordinates, would display all the info, but with relatively painful blinking, and a 2x2 pixel blocks effect with clockwise color bleeding.

@RealShadowCaster I think you lost me. I don't know much about poking memory, but I'm quite satisfied with the 16 color label if I can avoid text strings for graphics. I'm trying to compress this baby down so I can add Speako8 to it so long strings are kind of my enemy here. Also I just updated the cart with the new label/title screen! ^_^

@arrowonionbelly: I used @bikibird's fantastic Depict tool to convert your 32 color image to a PICO-8 label format, simply open your game as a .p8 file in a text/code editor and replace the __label__
section entirely with the following:
I believe it's spot-on pixel for pixel but you may wish to double-check.
Edit: For further revisions you can easily make these yourself with the "Label Maker" tickbox on Depict
A further note: Label data is external to your game data and doesn't impact character, token count etc. Using a 32-color label will not have any negative impact on your cart size or other restrictions (as far as I know).

@kozm0naut WOW!! TOTALLY RAD!! THANK YOU!! When I put out Special Edition I'll update the label!!!

@eltiablo thank you!!! the goal was to learn the basics and then make something super unique ^^

Great music, the ball horde of enemies is so detailed that it looks pretty much 3D. It's also not too hard and generous with upgrades and batteries. It would be cool to have some kind of sidekick or a weapon modifier to be able to shoot diagonally, but even as it is - Pony 9000 rocks!
Thanks for the game!

Great Game! A lot of personality. It is a very unique experience. Well done!!

This is incredible. I especially love the attention to detail on the manual. Really took me back to the days of picking up a new Gameboy game!

@lastofavari thank you so much!! This was my first time composing a song (or coding a game tbh) and I really wanted the game to stand out from the cherry bomb tutorial I was running off of.
@ivanB thank you! The personality of the game is carrying over to the sequel I'm currently workshopping, an isometric game called PONY24K: WRECKENING.
@CumQuaT I based it off of the Gradius NES manual, and used AI to make the art because I wanted the art to look like it was made by someone who was NOT the developer, just like the old NES American import artists who had tight deadlines and terrible info and bad translations to work from, IF they had that at all.
@Dunard thanks!! I'm glad you liked it

Tried to join the Pink Pony 9000 Club, but I couldn't get it to start. I could find Essk and cattarl, but I couldn't find the ANY key! Please help.
(Had such fun playing this. A great way to spend my morning today.💖 Also, loved the manual!)

I thought BRANDO E.X was from shooting game 'darius'or something

@iamHuld it's funny because some people playing it on a keyboard will actually press space and then smash around the keyboard then tell me it's not working. I considered changing it but couldn't bear to have the game not-say it. Also thank you! The manual was a blast to write. Even the legal and technical information was all written to fit the greater Onionbelly universe.
@OWD5238 he's not. I played Darius but the main drive was to make a villain who mirrored the rainbows of pony's lasers. I thought, what's rainbow... Rainbow trout! The idea to me was hilarious to have a giant cyber fish and Darius didn't enter my mind at all. Was it quietly existing in my brain at the time though, silently influencing me? Probably

This is great. Glad to see people are still making gorgeous PICO8 games in 2024.

That's fantastic addictive game ! So beautiful ! My only grip is I can't save progress.This game is very challenging so save option would be great
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