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jam build

Cart #yohadabugo-1 | 2024-08-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

make bigger squares out of squares! (only the max size one disappears)


press directions to move the block
hold a button and press a direction to alter how you move it
"slow" (Z/C) moves blocks the minimum distance instead of their usual distance
"super" (X) launches the block in the direction pressed. you can only launch blocks upward once per block, and doing so lets them (currently permanently) nudge other blocks

(also, pressing both buttons activates a debug hitbox viewer)

this is my gmtk jam 2024 game (also submitted here https://doubleatam.itch.io/square-up )

tam's comments

in my prior attempts to make original action-puzzlers, i struggled to come up with original mechanics that didn't use color... so this jam theme actually came in handy
needing to fill up half the playfield to clear anything at all is exhilerating, but super nerve-wracking

that said, the controls are pretty clunky. might've been better if i'd made it for touch screens

there's a lot of stuff left to implement (most notably difficulty and score), but i'm not sure when i'll get around to it

(special thanks to yuex for finding the bug in push_up)


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