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Cart #rubyeyes-6 | 2024-01-23 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Ruby Eyes

A game about becoming beautiful.

You are but a wee skeleton residing in the Necromancer's Tower. You realize that your skull would be so much prettier if you had some rubies where your eyes would be. Rumor has it that the necromancer holds some very impressive gems. Maybe you should go take a look?



⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ - Movement
❎or X - Menu/Select
🅾️or Z - Back

How to Play

Move north at the beginning of the game to play a tutorial.
There is no button to wait a turn, try bumping into a door or item to delay your movement.
You won't succeed on your first try. Learn from your previous attempts to reach the Necromancer!


v1.2 — 1/22/24

  • Improved item drop interactions with background elements
  • Stats stay in line when above 10
  • Damage text no longer goes off the top of the screen
  • Fixed healing from cultist damage
  • Necromancer no longer summons bones after being defeated
  • Removed gaps on 3-way doors
  • Weakened Golem Soul
  • Strengthened Cultist Soul
  • Rebalanced monster HP and damage
  • Made souls slightly rarer
  • Reduced value of Marrow Quality, Bone Density, and Calcium Intake
  • Boss Room contains less milk
  • Reduced Vase spawn rate
  • Golem now has little arms
  • Final room is more impressive
  • Improved color fading
  • Updated some sprites

v1.1 — 1/20/24

  • Increased value of Marrow Quality
  • The on-death damage of Cultists is now reduced by Bone Density
  • Improved likelihood of getting something useful from a Vase
  • Reduced Milk availability in the early game
  • Reduced max hp of Scorpion, Flies, and Golem
  • Reduced damage of Ghost, Ogre, and Spider
  • Reduced vision of Ghost and Pumpkinhead
  • Removed Max HP component of the Goblin's Soul
  • Swapped Goblin and Scorpion Souls
  • Doors should no longer spawn next to each other
  • Room generation tweaked
  • HP can no longer drop below 0
  • Updated some sprites
  • Updated level palettes

very good game, but if you die you can sometimes see that you have negative hp xd


Really good, but VERY hard! There's so many stats (which is not inherently bad) but not too many chances to raise them. It'd be really awesome if stronger enemies were introduced a little slower, cause by the time you get to the fourth or fifth stage, a relatively well-played run can go downhill REALLY fast. It may also be nice to get experience from enemies again after killing a certain amount of them, to give you more chances to improve your skills! That or making loot just a tad bit more common- or both!
(UPDATE) Having played the new update, it does help quite a bit! I actually managed to beat it on my first run, and it is really nice to enjoy getting to play with all of the power you build up as you go. I'll definitely keep an eye on this game!

This is really cool, looks like there is a lot of depth to the game, I'll need to try it a few times :)


doot doot


I feel like 90% of the difficulty in this game is learning what the various stats mean. So for my own sake, here's the key:

Jaw Luster - attack damage
Rib Cage Volume - damage gained from trumpets
Tooth Embouchure - rubies required to blow a trumpet
Glamour - maximum number of rubies
Marrow Quality - maximum hp
Bone Density - defense
Calcium Intake - heal from milk
Socket Depth - Vision Range
Spook Factor - reduced enemy vision


Finally got a good game and managed to win. I found the best strategy was to focus on attack strength. If I could upgrade attack directly, I did it. Otherwise I focused on making my doot doots more effective. Then I got the mystery upgrade that gives you one attack point for every kill and I went on a killing spree. Once I was at 50 points per hit I was unstoppable.
And, lemme tell you, that ending graphic was all worth it.

What’s the rate for the soul and is it for only the first one you kill of it

I love the game, but I really don’t understand the trumpet mechanic. Can someone explain?

how many floors are there i can only get to 5, and trumpets are confusing

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