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Cart #raposhoyi-1 | 2025-02-12 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

A brand new version of Tweetie_pong that includes some new tweetcarts + a '1k demo' of my composition modified for the occasion. 21 coders in total are credited including 1 for the music. The menu has 2 difficulty levels + a demo mode that displays all the tweetcarts, as well as the possibility to exit each mode with the 0 button and to stop or start the music with the 4 key. As a reminder, 1 tweetcart is a technical and graphic demonstration of a coder that must fit in a message from X (formerly Twitter...) in 280 characters maximum. The game is stable and is already used (for free of course) for family reunion or association challenges. Have fun.


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