A demo, and a love letter to Japanese professional wrestling, from Jumalauta. Released at Instanssi 2020, won first place in the demo compo.
No guarantees at all about working on a browser. Tested on Firefox, crashes almost immediately. The cart works fine on the Pico-8 software, naturally. If you want to watch it on a browser, YouTube is your best bet :)
Minified using Picotool by @dddaaannn. Unminified source code available in the release zip. Some graphics are based on CC BY 2.0 photos, namely "Jushin Liger ROHxNJPW Global Wars 2018" by Troy Teague, "Shinsuke Nakamura" by temaki, and "Mt.Fuji & Tokyo SkyTree" by Atomark.

Runs almost flawlessly on win64 Chrome, just slight hitches during the end-scene flashing. More hitches throughout, also during flashing, on Firefox Developer Edition. Maybe a lot of allocation going on during those moments? I have a boatload of ram, so that might be why it survived on my system.
Anyay, nice work jamming all that into one cart! Slick.

I just watched it myself on the BBS and it didn't crash, so I guess the Wasm player is more robust and tolerant of my shenanigans than the standard JS player exported by PICO-8. It does pause for about 1 frame during the flashes, and you guessed it right, the flashes are there to hide frame rate drops while handling a lot of stuff in the memory :)

Love the demo and the effect.
Can feel the wrestling spirit there.

Takes a really long time to start up (30+ seconds on Windows for me), but it's glorious! 🤩

Seems like changes in the more recent PICO-8 versions made the demo desync a bit?

never have i been so impressed in a technical demo, this stand out from the crowd of 3D graphics as a flashy yet catchy technical demo. this is probably one of the best thing you can find on PICO-8

I saw this demo on youtube about a month ago and it's what convinced me to begin my game design journey in earnest with PICO-8. Best decision I've made in a long time and I have you to thank for it. This is awesome (the music, too).
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