Here is Sprite Show 2 mouse only , a graphic tool for Pico8 users and more specifically for pixel artists and coders.
Sprite show is particularly useful for helping graphic designers to test the sprites they have just drawn without needing to code them. You can very easily make them move on a black background and on decors. If your creation does not work exactly as you want you could immediately return to the pico8 editor to improve it. In this tool the sprites are already drawn , and you can test all the functionalities . First of all, start by selecting the sprites in Sprite Bank then come back to the menu and click _Show and make your sprite coming to life. Have fun.

I'm not really understanding this, @YannickS. The best tools to modify P8 code and data will always be at least for me - in a language outside P8.
The main reason for this is 3 things.
- Load/save to real P8 filenames that are typed in.
- Can work with one or more P8 files and swap data between them. No need to add any code to a cart just so you can edit its sprites or data.
- Larger screen area. Resolution on my screen is currently 1280x720, far cry from 128x128. You can create quite a bit around that to edit the basic 8x8 sprites and/or mapper/ SFX/ Music.
There are many programming languages to choose from that can edit/save P8 code to make them useful and instrumental for Pico-8 - without using Pico-8 source-code overhead.
Now I'm not going to deny you the hard work you put into this - I'm just having difficulty seeing it as a mainstream utility.

The main advantage of Pico 8 according to Zep himself is to provide a simple programming tool where coding, graphics, sound and music are combined in a very limited environment, immediately accessible and fast. This is not the case with slow and complex traditional development. If I have fun creating this software with Pico 8 although I can work with quality hardware and large screens, it is for the same reason. It is to quickly allow a graphic designer or a coder to achieve a fast and sympathetic result, in particular in a jam. Yours sincerely.

Sounds like a plan, @YannickS. OK. Well I had forgotten you can also import/export sprite tables from the editor itself - so, yeah, your program could be used for that.
Watch out though. If I can ever slow down in my book writing and everything else on the grill I may turn around and write up a robust EXE duo code P8 sprite editor/ import/ export tool.
May be some time though. Too many other things taking place.
Wish you the best, and Merry Christmas.

Any comment or feedback is welcome and is even necessary. Thanks a lot for that.
Wish you the best, and Merry Christmas.
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