A clone of Haxeflixel's Flappybalt.
The source code of this game can also be found here
Just press Z, X, C or V
After a long time, I finally decided to release this game by adding the following features that I had proposed:
- Independent move of new saws at enter.
- To make saws unstable and shoot out when a set of saws is full.
I tried adding sound effects but nothing convinced me, so I decided to put just a sound effect when losing. I'm not very good at making sound effects. If anyone is up for making some that fit or composing some piece of music, it is welcome.

Feels finished to me - can't wait to see it move out of WIPs; good luck adding the last few features, if you get around to it.
Only just realised this game is a clone, but it looks great and is really fun to play. Been playing it the last few days and think it might be my new go to pico-8 game (high score is currently 60, find it slightly easier on my computer than on my phone, when I have a real button to press). Good job :)

@tinysorcerer and @Steven()#6, sorry for the veeeery late response and thank you very much for your comments. I have just move it out from WIP as I finally implemented the features. My highest score is like 110. I've reset it so I don't remember it well, but it is something like that ;)
Thank you very much, once again
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