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Cart #everred-1 | 2024-01-07 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Everred is a mod of Celeste Classic that adds completely new levels, themes, and even a few features. There's also music remixes and new sprites. You should play Classic before playing this!

There's three routes through the game (Normal, Gemskip, and Trueskip) that you can take depending on which chests you open; however, the Gemskip and Trueskip routes require speedrun strats that aren't taught here. Lots of credit to Maddy and Noel from EXOK Games for their amazing game, and special thanks to the Celeste Classic Discord for all the help and feedback.

v1.1 patch notes: https://petthepetra.itch.io/everred/devlog/661844/everred-v11


im a little confused on lvl 9, am i supposed to wall jump on the micro spaces on the spikes protruding from the others to get through the corridor or..?

@Thunder919113 - Yeah, that's the idea. It's a really tough section, but if you have two dashes, you only need to do about 2 walljumps.

This level is essentially the "barrier" between you and the final area, so it's way harder than any other level before it. Good luck!


Fantastic mod :)


i don't think i'm that lvl of god but i'm glad i got so far! good mod!

Wow Im really stuck on level two gemskip

@Celeste_Pro do you even know how to gemskip?

I mean kinda


How might one do a gemskip instead of a trueskip?

@Thom - Gemskip is done by grabbing the first gem, and skipping the second. It's a lot easier than Trueskip, but still requires some speedrun strats.

I made it to 200M on Trueskip after about a half an hour of trying. It's not very far but I'm proud of myself.

Is being able to walk on spikes (happened to me once) a speedrun strat or a bug?


@thisismypassword - You probably accidentally spikeclipped. This is a vanilla Celeste speedrun tech that's used a ton in Gemskip / Trueskip.

0/10 there is something about the glowing hair I don't like, I guess if I don't want the glowing hair I should do trueskip but that is hard and takes skill.


How do you get past 700m with trueskip?


wow how do u get past 1100?


6:48, still with many deaths. Goal is sub-5

2:34 PhloggChamp


some of The levels look alot like the maps in Foreverred?
did you copy it?


@Rocky2010 This is my new favorite comment, thank you for making my day.



Just released a small patch to update some old branding and fix some bugs. More details below:

-Updated logo
-Updated credits
-Updated cartridge label
-Fixed a bug that caused music to not play properly under certain conditions
-Addressed a softlock in 700m

gosh that was hard

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