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I'm attempting to copy patterns and sfx from this cart:

To this cart:

After doing this paste, it says 28 new sfx were added. As you can see from the screen shots, the drum line (a horizontal line of notes) gets copied over 8 times.

Pasting to a blank cartridge behaves as I would expect.

I managed to gut my game project to just sfx so it can be easily reproduced. Thanks! I am running 0.2.6b on Linux.

Cart #dadupotoso-0 | 2024-05-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Cart #bopewohegu-0 | 2024-05-19 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License


I've just tested this on the same version of pico-8 but on windows 11, same issue occurs as on linux.

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