My final entry to #TweetTweetJam 6 entry is: Among Tweets 🔪
An attempt to demake Among Us in PICO-8, but in just 560 bytes (555 chars), using NO art assets! 😅
(...or as close an approximation of as I could do in 560 bytes - so alas, no random imposter/voting, etc. 😅)
⬆️⬇️⬅️➡️ = Walk
❎ = Kill
🤼 4x Split-Screen MULTIPLAYER
🛰 SKELD-like ship
🔪 EVERYONE is an Imposter
👻 Dead players can HAUNT
📦 3D DEPTH Effect
Source Code
?"\^c0\-j웃\f7\vv■\+9r\f5o❎&\-0\|luホp" z=126rect(6,13,19,18)memcpy(0,6^13,▤)h=63g={}for i=8,11do g[i]={x=i*6,y=4}end::_::cls()for i=8,11do n=(i*h)%z m=(i\2*h)%z c=g[i]camera(c.x-n-32,c.y-m-32)clip(n,m,61,61)b=btn for t=4,5do pal(5,t)sspr(0,9,h,h,-z,-h+t*5,z*8,z*8)end for a=3,0,-1do p=g[a+8]p.a=b(0,a)and-1or(b(1,a)and 1or 0)p.b=b(2,a)and-1or(b(3,a)and 1or 0)d=p.a c=pget(p.x+d,p.y+p.b) if(b(5,a)and c>7)g[c].d=1cls(8) if(not p.d)pal(6,a+8)pal(7,12,1)spr(0,p.x-4,p.y-((p.x+p.y)%6<3and 0or 1)-3,1,1,d>0) if(c>4and i==a+8)p.x+=d p.y+=p.b end end flip()goto _ |
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