I am trying to use values in a table to dictate which scene is being shown in the game. I defined the table 'S' at the top of the code but a piece at the bottom referring to it comes back nil. What's the problem?
function _init() cls() music(0) s={} s.menu=1 s.start=0 s.t1=0 s.one=0 map_setup() make_player() end |
if s.menu>0 then screen_menu() end if s.start>0 then screen_start() end if s.t1>0 then screen_t1() end if s.one>0 then screen_scene1() end |

It's hard to tell from just what you've shown. Here's some ideas just in case any of them help:
- Check to make sure you didn't accidentally reused the name "S" somewhere else
- Check which line number the error is indicating and see which statement that is, then look to see if you deleted the relevant value later.
- Try commenting out portions of the bottom code to see if only some of it gives errors
In general, I would advise posting the actual error message you get when asking for help with errors.

_init() is called after code evaluation. if the second code snippet you posted is executed before _init(), the table 's' would not yet have been defined.

there are 3(4) special functions.
_init() - will be run onced, after the code is loaded and all commands outsides functions are executed
_update() / _update60() - this function will be called every 1/30 or 1/60 second. you should place your gamelogik here
_draw() - this function will be called to draw a screen. Important: It is not definied how often - it could be every 1/60s, 1/30s or even 1/15s. you should not place any gamelogik here.
by the way - you seems to want to create a "gamestate" - show menu, play game, endscreen and so on. I use this dispatcher:
function _init() start="mainmenu" end function _update() -- for the draw-routine, state could be changed! oldstate=state -- report an error, if the state doesn't exist assert(update[state]!=nil,"unknwon state:"..state) -- call the state-dependend update-function -- remember you can store functions in tables! update[state]() end function _draw() if (draw[oldstate]!=nil) draw[oldstate]() end -- initalize the table update, draw = {},{} -- state "mainmenu" function update.mainmenu() -- do menu stuff, at some point change the state state="play" end function draw.mainmenu() -- draw the menu end -- state "play" function update.play() -- playing and finally state="endscreen" end function draw.play() -- drawing end -- state "endscreen" function update.endscreen() -- hiscore and so on state="reset_to_menu" end function draw.endscreen() -- drawing end -- state "reset to menu" function update.reset_to_menu() -- do some reset state="menu" end -- a draw.reset_to_menu is not required |
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