A Celeste Classic mod built on Evercore 2.0.0
Thank you Masakado, FlyingPenguin223, Kamera, lark, Rav, and TheYeeter49 for playtesting and giving feedback, the Celeste Classic Discord community, and especially Sparky9d for helping with a bunch of code since I utterly suck at code
Wow, this is one of the best mid range Celeste classic hacks I've ever played. The aesthetics are just the best and all the small details just give it an amazing feel and character.
I somehow walked through spikes without taking damage, any idea why this might be? (not a complaint or anything like that.)
@pik you did a spike clip, it's a speedrun strat
more info here cuz i am bad at explaining: https://celesteclassic.github.io/glossary/#spikeclip
All levels are possible without jumping, except for the frozen lake (as far as I can tell.) I might make a mod of it which removes jumping, but idk.
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