Source code:
x=60 y=123 mx=0 my=0 b=0 s=0 g=0 ::_:: cls(1) x+=mx y+=my mx*=.7 if (y<122)then my+=0.3end if(y>123)then my=0y=123end if(y>122)then g=1else g=0end ?"\f7웃\vm●",x,y if(btn(⬅️))mx-=s if(btn(➡️))mx+=s if(btn(❎))s=.9b=3.5else s=.7b=3 if(btn(🅾️))and g>0then my-=b end flip()goto _
no game? just blue screen behind person
yes, but it's a blue screen behind (a mobile) person where the code fits within one tweet!
@aKidCalledAris oh, okay
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