A 2D recreation of Minecraft, with placing blocks, destroying them, and choosing them!
If you are planning to play this on a raspberry pie, DON'T! this game uses the devkit mouse, which most devices don't have.
- Left click: Destroy blocks
- Right click: Place blocks
- Middle click: Eyedrop
- Scroll wheel: Choose blocks
A message for modders and beginners
This game is mostly aimed for modders and beginners, since you can add new blocks easily by just changing the value "mxblock" and adding new blocks in the sprite editor, make sure that you give the blocks flag 0! that's how the game knows it's a "block".
- Notch: making Minecraft
- Czarlo: me, recreating it
- ReeceGames: recreating the textures because they kinda sucked (his profile is this)

i got really surprised when i noticed that blocks don't overlap, it makes this look less lazy

I made it so the blocks wouldn't overlap because otherwise the SFX you heard would freak out, which uhh... didn't sound very good...

The Raspberry Pi warning is partially unnecessary. The RPi is quite capable, and a lot of people (myself included) have a keyboard and mouse hooked up to it.

Can you create save and load system please and this version is coool
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