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Cart #farland-2 | 2021-03-11 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Had a good time! was a bit tricky at the end but it had new features, the music was modified a bit(I think?),
and the difficulty curve was great!


This is so much better than every single celeste demake out there. This is just terrific.


This was really fun and well made, so good job!
(This is my best run, after many resets. It can be improved, but I'm satisfied with this.)


Very cool and surprising to see the double dash crystal out of farewell

Thanks for all the support!

Amazing mod! I love all of the references to the new Celeste and all of the speedrun shortcuts.

secret bug report:

I found the moon berry! But, there's a glitch. I see in the code that the text "true 100%" should appear after collecting the 8 normal strawberries and the moon berry. However, that check is made when the room is loaded meaning that the check is always made before the moon berry is collected. Getting the moon berry before the flag doesn't work either. I also think the text "true any%" should appear if that path is taken without collecting all the strawberries.

11:24 first attempt

Quite a good mod. The moon berry secret path is hard though.


how do you get the moonberry?

I FINALLY GOT THE MOON BERRY (you dont want to know how long that took)

How do you get to the Moon Berry Secret Path?

welp i got to 2400m and reset

ok im back and i just got to 2500m by clipping through the spikes lol

lets frickin goooo

I'm reading about this moon berry but I don't know how to get to it or what it is. Anyone who has gotten it or tried to, how do you get on the moon berry path? I really want to try it out

how do you even get the moonberry tho


Do you mind if I use your crumble block texture for a little celeste mod I'm making? If not I'll make a different texture :)

ow, my fingers
finally! finally! finally.

Great mod! how i get moonberry?

one of the best mods.

better time!
and now my new pb:

For those wondering about the "moonberry path", first a few hints, then a spoiler


it's possible to find it by just exploring the levels thoroughly, you don't need trick jumps or anything super hard to do

don't bother looking for it before you've seen/collected the 8 regular berries

it's somewhere past the 8th one

you need to exit the screen somewhere other than the top of the screen


exit to the left of the screen on the 2300m level


there is a dude up there posting about a yacht you can stay on. could somebody delete that or do something?
edit: gone


I did the vertical spike dash and it was the coolest accomplishment ever.

I've been wondering what would Dashless+ looks like in Pico-8 version. Now I have the answer.

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