I am making a puzzle game on a 6x6 grid at the moment. Every cell has two values: 1) The colour/type of cell 2) the variable of that cell
Thus every cell is two hexadecimal digits. I've made a level editer and all but I've run into a problem with level loading. Shortened to the problematic code, here is the problem:
levels={ "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011c0c07000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011c0c07000000000000000" } function loadlevel(n) local ltol=levels[n] powerlevel=0 for i=1,#ltol/2do local s1=1+(i-1)*2 local s2=s1+1 level[i]=sub(ltol,s1,s2) end end function _init() nl=2 go=false loadlevel(1) go=true end function _update() local nogo=false for i=1, 16do if level[i]!="00"then nogo=true end end if go and not nogo then loadlevel(nl) nl+=1 end end |
Error code:
runtime error line 8 tab 0 for i=1,#ltol/2do attempt to get length of local 'ltol' (a nil value) at line 0 (tab 0) |
I really can't seem to figure out a solution to this.
Cheers in advance!
debug you go/nogo logic - nl is incremented 30 times per second, you are trying to load level 3 which is obviously nil.
Ah. Just realised the problem. Initially in the design process for the game, it was played on a 4x4 grid, which in the end didn't allow for good gameplay, so I upped it to 6x6. I guess half of my brain still thinks that there are 36 items and not 16. What a k e r f u f f l e .
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