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Hi all!
Is there any roadmap for PICO-8 until the 1.0 version?
Just to know what awaits us in future releases.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards


I know of online leaderboards and phone apps.

Leaderboards will have 'login' (command in console and menu item I suppose) and a lua function to get or save some numbers and text, in a way similar to how cart data works.
There won’t be enough bandwidth to do any real-time multiplayer game, but the system could be used for turn-by-turn games (with custom code for matchmaking I expect).

source: https://mobile.twitter.com/search?q=scoresub%20%20from%3Alexaloffle&src=typed_query&f=live

Phone apps with the full pico8 editor (if I’m not mistaken) for ios and android are the big thing that will define when we reach 1.0.

Thanks for the info @merwok. Editing programs in mobile device sounds great. The online hiscores is cool too.

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