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Follow the path, and the bridge will appear as you go to cross it.

This is actually two rooms, one without and one with the bridge, with doors set of to jump between the rooms to make it appear as if the bridge is appearing and disappearing. It shows what I want to do, but I want this without switching rooms.

I can make the same effect with triggered props, but it will only work once, or as many iterations as I've placed duplicate props for creating and erasing the bridge. As best I can tell, once a prop is triggered, it cannot be triggered again.

I believe what I need is emitters. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to get them to work at all. :'( So, before I go back to banging my head against the wall, is what I want even possible? Can an emitter emit a prop? If so, how? I'm stumped.

Hi jerrysiebe

You're right that props can currently only be triggered once. It would be better to make things like the appearing bridge using an actor (monster), but it's still a little tricky.

Here's one way to do it which sets a monster's height to 0 (so that it doesn't collide with bullets) while it is invisible, and then pops up when a player is close (but not the tinymon):

Unfortunately it only allows for a flat bridge.

A slightly more complicated way would be to emit an animation that has the SOLID flag checked so that it's drawn into the map as indestructible voxels, and then removed again by putting a blank frame at the end of the 'cool-down' animation. This would allow more elaborate shapes, but I haven't tried this yet to confirm it works. The solid animation mode is still a bit experimental!

Thanks, zep. Solid animations are great. It'll take a bit of playing around to get the logic to work like I want.

In the meantime... Hop hop hop and don't stop. These pads will let you drop.

I was going to make the pads launch the player by using a quirky behaviour I found in 0.2.10 where an extended wall causes the player to shoot up, but found that has changed in 0.2.11. Too bad. :D Now the player gets trapped by an extended wall and cannot move or jump at all.

So much more to explore and try out. Thanks again.

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