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I have a raspberry pi with a cheap USB controller plugged in to it. I would like to fx press the select button and the green button which will then start up splore using the pico8 -splore command. The reason is that I now have to have a keyboard connected to the pi which would be nice to remove

But I have not been able to get it working. I have tried keyboard shortcuts and xbindkeys. But none of this helped. Anyone have any suggestions?

I think most people set up the system to start 'pico8 -splore' automatically. From that a controller is enough to play games and come back to splore.

When you say that you’ve tried keyboard shortcuts, what exact program or config do you mean?

Ahh yes. It's because I sometimes use my raspberri pi for other things than pico8.

I have tried changing this file lxde-pi-rc.xml file for adding a keyboard shortcut. But the keys coming from the controller was not identified using this "xev -event keyboard"

I am making consoles based on raspberry pi too; to boot into something else than pico8, I thought about a custom buttom connected to GPIO pins or USB that could be checked by a small script to decide whether to boot into pico8 or bash.

Ha yeah I thought about exactly the same thing. Would be super cool with a button to start or finish splore

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