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Cart #ioiocross-2 | 2020-12-17 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

Picross like cute study.

Mark the squares with the mouse's left button following the hints in rows and collumns.
It's just a simple picross.

Update 1:

  • Mark an X with the right button to say "nonono! there is no mark here!"

  • the row hints turn green when it's correct.


Maybe give some gameplay instructions as a suggestion.


For recomendation: Nonograms. Main thing is have a mark to say there not a piece there for ease of use & guide lines each five for easy counting.

Hi there. It's a simple picross. I can't explain the rules in english (not my mother lenguage). but is very simple.
You should follow the hints in collumns and rows to mark the squares.

Hello! Just did the nonograms (love the term).
I also made others updates. thanks for the recomendation.


The addition of the X makes this much more playable! I enjoyed it (I liked the chiptune Kate Bush song too). One question - is there any end of game/puzzle indicator? I'm pretty sure I filled it all in correctly but the game keeps going so I wasn't sure.

@2bitchuck thanks :3
When all horizontal hints turn green you beat the puzzle.
Maybe I make an end game indicator later.


@parallelogramo Great, then I won :). I love picross games and I think you did a nice job with this!

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