Rumors say that goblins hide their most precious treasures deep within their nests. They guard it with their own lifes, so it must be quite valuable indeed!
If you want the Goblins' Gold you must be tough, but also cautious and witty! Traverse 10 levels of goblin-infested rooms one step at a time, facing 8 different creatures, from the mindless slime to fearsome necromancers.
- Attack enemies by bumping into them. Your sword will do the job.
- Use the ZAP attack (X) to hit and stun (if they can be stunned) all enemies around you.
- Clear a room to find the stairs to the next level (grab all gold and kill all enemies)
- Do not rush! This is a turn based game. Some enemies are fast and weak, some slow and won't be stunned by your blows. They are easy to defeat when they are alone, but dangeours if they surround you!
- Make the most of your surroundings! Running head-first is not usually the safest option...
This was a side-side-project inspired by Jeremiah Reid's Broughlike tutorial, loosely translated to Pico-8 as a first contact with this wonderful fantasy console.
i like it. it reminds me of rust bucket, another game (a mobile game) that i like.
Really great! Simple mechanics, but nice variety of enemy types that provide interesting and fun emergent gameplay. A level select, ability to save, or password system would be welcome though.
It's just ten levels, you should be able to complete the game in around 10min maximum :D
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