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Cart #podugguwu-3 | 2020-12-02 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

02/12/20: I have updated the mod so that 900m is easier. Also, I have tweaked the music a little bit and I have made heavy changes to the levels after 'supreee' said I did nothing and it was very easy. Enjoy the update 1.3!


I can't figure out how to get past 300m XD


Oh yes that one's a really hard one!

That was a really fun mod! Consider joining the Celeste Classic discord server where people make mods and can help you with stuff

got stuck at 900m
Nice Mod!

How do you get past 900M?
Good Mod!

beat the whole thing

man you didn't even change them, half of the levels are just the original ones with some ice platforms, like come on

supreee I removed things that I thought were unnecessary when doing a speed-run. I will be adding stuff later to make sure it’s as hard as possible and you don’t get bored!

To complete 900m, bare in mind that when you collect a strawberry it acts as a balloon too!. Hint: If you don’t get it first try you might have to restart...

I see that everyone is having a hard time on 900, and When i passed 900 i didnt use the strawberry, I used a speedrun strat, Its not that hard, just might take you a few trys to get, you have to dash at the ledge perfectly so that you walljump off the wall if that helps anyone.

I updated the game! 02/12/20: I have updated the mod so that 900m is easier. Also, I have tweaked the music a little bit and I have made heavy changes to the levels after 'supreee' said I did nothing and it was very easy. Enjoy the update 1.3!

some level like 1700 still are lazy. also 90o is now super easy.

how to get 400m do u need to get the strewbarry?

Yes you do, it's something speed runners do. It is possible so keep trying!

This is really hard. I was on the third level or something meters and it is impossible. I tried it for hours but could not beat it.

I just tried it and I agree it's hard, but it is possible!

What is a recommended strategy for getting the strawberry on 400m? I've been wall-jumping and dashing straight up, but I keep missing by just a few pixels (2).

If you watch some videos of speedruns, they always use the strawberry technique so that might help you if you watch them

to easy, this is litarly just my route expect i do berry 400



@japhib dash up-right in the spike section to land on the platform on the right, then jump, updash to the 2-block tall section of the wall, and walljump

I got all 18 berries in 9 minutes on my first try.

Great job with this! Lots of fun doing celeste using the speedrun routes

amazing! love the wonky music!

400 m, geez hard. :l

all are pretty easy but I loved the mod :)

how do you get past the spikes in 2500m

@PerfumedGnat965 There's a hole in the top left where you can easily pass through the spikes, the original path is blocked off so you have to use that way

personally i think keeping the other balloon (the one that's supposed to be above the spawn area) would be a faster strat than using the other balloon to the right of that

edit: ok i'm dumb it's the exact same balloon there is none to the left of that
it's just the same strat i use but i felt urged to forget muscle memory for some of these

edit edit: spike jump with that balloon??

How u do 400

I have now beat it
16 berries
5 mins 21 secs
25 deaths

400 is really hard cant lie

Oh yeah! My first clear with:
18 berries
14 min 3 sec
155 deaths
(I have speedrunned Celeste Classic in under 3 mins) :)

i did 400 first try when i normally hate that skip


I love how this shows you alternate routes in the base version, really cool!

all are easy except for 400m

I Beat This Mod "Unless 1.3" With 52 Deaths!

I Also Did Tool Assisted Speedrun

celeste but screw anyone who doesn't do any%

My very mediocre record


idk why but i'm faster in this than normal celeste classic


you may want to consider changing later levels more although 400m made me feel like a true gamer

first try cool face emoji

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