Hey all! I'm trying to find a code editor, or code editor extension, that can highlight matching pairs such as function/end, for/end, if/end, etc. - similar to how most code editors will highlight matching parentheses or brackets.
I haven't really gotten the hang of proper indentation yet, and I'm having trouble troubleshooting nested bits of code where I end up with the wrong number of "end"s at the end!
Except for this issue, Brackets and Visual Studio Code have both worked nicely for me so far. Simple/lightweight programs are preferred if possible.
Any suggestions, even of what terms to search for, are greatly appreciated! Thanks for helping me with this total amateur question!
Notepad++ can have custom syntax highlighting and automatically does this with Lua selected.
Thank you both!! I'm using OSX so I wasn't able to try Notepad++, but I found the package for Sublime Text and it's exactly what I was looking for.
The package is called BracketHighlighter, in case anyone else wants to check it out!
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