UPDATE v0.3:
- added flying "boids" that can be collected. As of now, they only provide 250pts, but they will have a more useful function in the next update
- added music! I composed a little cheery tune that I hope will not get old too soon ;)
UPDATE v0.2:
- added "seed" menu where players can choose the random seed used for the obstacle generation (0 keeps it random :) )


Looking good!! I'll enjoy this a lot when it is finished :)


This looks great so far! I love the idea of seed systems so having a way to see how good you can do depending on what seed you pick is really cool! (it uses srand()?)
Edit: got to 1249(I think?) on seed 0 :p

Haha thank you!
Yes it does use srand ;)
And seed 0 is actually the preset and corresponds to a random seed ;)
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