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I looked back when i purchased PICO-8 and i am surprised that i had it since Christmas 2015, and it has been quite 4.7 years since i had it around just to play a lot of games. Having it see evolve i was impressed for it to have reached a stage where it improved the interface (and specially the music interface which included sound effect instruments.). The music back when it was released wasn't too awesome as it sounded but now it seemed like the possibilies are enhanced.

By the way, doesn't PICO-8 have plans to expand their system capabilities to include new major features such as proper sampling, more music channels, etc. (likely inspired from the NES' japanese expansion chips which contained extra audio channels, a popular example being the VRC6 which included two pulse channels with a larger set of squares and a Sawtooth channel) even if actually they might be impossible. Probably since we've come to this point there's hardly anything i can think that would be needed, but Pico-8 is quite on the right track and ready to have something amazing done on it.

Anyhow, i came to PICO-8 to actually just make music covers in the end, that's a passion i had since i binge-listened on vg music too much and the use of FamiTracker made me a living out of music trackers than piano rolls.

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