Hi! I'm Japanese Student!
I used pico-8 for the first time when it was handled in a college class.
I made it using the Mot's tutorial.
Thanks to his tutorial, I managed to bring this game into shape. And I learned how to make pseudo 3D game.
I would appreciate any constructive comments.
Thank you very much.
Car sprite is good - handling is a bit odd:
- car slides left/right at zero speed
- suggest to use a button to accelerate
Pico8 tip: use palette switching to simulate braking lights.
And not sure what ‘side brakes’ are? Handbrakes maybe?
Besides the things mentioned above, it would be nice to have some sort of goal, like 2 measuring the time for two laps... right now it"s a toy/ demo because you can drive around but there is no goal.
Also, simply adding a "wrooom" sound for the engine might make it a lot more interesting w/o having to change a lot.
Audio makes a big difference. Add angine sound and allow the player to honk, and it will be a lot more fun instantly... because honking is always fun. :)
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