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Hey Team,

I'm new to Pico 8 as of about a month ago, and just made a super simple game as a joke for a friend. I exported the html and js and posted it on itch.io, but when I'm using Firefox, about 75% of the time the player seems to think that the pause button and the x button are being pressed constantly. It works great on Chrome, so it's something specific to how Firefox is interpreting the code. I would love some insight, if anyone has any ideas.

Here is a link to the game: https://keithamhere.itch.io/echonest-the-game?secret=LlU4RobXGkyakrhjhWze4J9wTQ


I got that linked to too many (or noisy) usb inputs.

You nailed it! I had a game controller plugged in and the page seemed to be getting signal from that for some reason despite it being off. Thank you so much!

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