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More of a question or feature request than a bug...

Is it possible to create a standalone executable and HTML export without the boot screen?

If this isn't currently supported it would be worth considering even if positioned as a "Pro" level feature. I'd pay extra for that feature.



The boot screen is part of the charm of PICO-8!

On my laptop, I used to have a shortcut to boot in SPLORE mode, but I changed it back to default behaviour. Getting a console and typing 'SPLORE' or 'LOAD game.p8.png' reminds me of the first computers I interacted with :-)

For standalone devices (physical consoles without keyboards or handhelds), it is nice that we have the '-splore' and '-run' options. A very short boot screen before the game or splore runs seems ok to me.

That said, there are other implementations of the PICO-8 engines, like picolove and zepto8, and there could be an alternative HTML5 implementations that runs a game without boot screen. Maybe the fact that these exist (or could) makes it ok for PICO-8 to keep its quirks!

@merwok I don't disagree, and I find the boot screen quick and well done. The source of my request is about distribution of created standalones which sometimes it's nicer to not have tool/platform maker logo and info because in that case, it's just another Windows program, well retro but still program.

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