I was wondering even though we can't make online games(Or I think we can't), Can we at least make games with battle royale and making the opponents bots? And I mean by battle royale I mean like Fortnite if you play Fortnite

I don't think that this will be easy. it is possible, but your PC will need to be not a slow one

You can make multiplayer games, either locally (up to 8 players with gamepads) or with bots.
Network play is harder, but there are ways: people have done demos with custom HTML exports (see the manual: pico8 can use peek/poke to read/write a table of numbers that’s also accessible from JavaScript code, which can then do network things), and there is going to be a new function to read/write online scores that should be flexible enough to be used (or abused) as network communication.
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