A prototype of a game that is sort of a combination of Nibbles and Sokoban, but also the snake is explicitly allowed to weave over and under itself.
Inspired by a drawing by Loren Schmidt: https://twitter.com/lorenschmidt/status/1253546559469387776
Version 1 is a prototype. It contains a few demonstration levels, and a bunch of empty ones. It also includes a built-in editor. Press ENTER to open the cart menu and edit levels. See the source code for more instructions.
I had a blast with the Weave level. I really like the design and it seems like there is a lot of cool levels that could be built with it. I found the editor controls you mentioned on pico8's splore, is it okay if I post them here for other players?
The editor isn't a secret, there's instructions in the source, but sure you can post them in a comment if you like.
Thanks for the reply.
"you can press enter to open the cart menu, and edit the boards:
lmb places a tile
rmb picks a tile
1-6 choose a tile
arrows extend snake's head
z shrinks snake's tail
x closes the editor to test
also copies to clipboard,
which can be pasted back
into this source code to
make permanent."
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