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Cart #bubblebobble-1 | 2020-05-05 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA

90 levels of 1 or 2 player 80s-style arcade fun.

Windows executable: https://pahammond.itch.io/bubble-bobble


To prevent [Up] from jumping when using controllers, press either [A] on the controller or the PICO-8 [O] button (Z on the keyboard) to start.

Player 1

[←] and [→] to move
[↑] jump
[X] fire

Player 2

[S] and [F] to move
[E] jump
[A] fire

Thanks To

  • Finn and Lucas for testing
  • Many low-res graphics thanks to dwedit.org & @justin_cyr
  • PICO-8 for creating an awesome "fantasy console"
  • https://lostcave.wordpress.com/ for providing inspiration and a few level layouts

Minified using the GEM Minifier:

Unminified code can be downloaded from:

P#75830 2020-05-05 07:31 ( Edited 2020-05-07 20:19)


dude, this is awesome! I spent 15 minutes playing this. Favorited!

P#75866 2020-05-05 18:05

Truly excellent!

P#75868 2020-05-05 18:13

Awesome! Feels really, really authentic!

One thing: Aren't the spikes on their backs supposed to pop bubbles that come from behind? In this version they push the dragons.

But geez, other than that, amazing job! I played for a few dozen levels and everything felt pretty much perfect!

P#75892 2020-05-05 21:43

Never realised that about the spikes. We'll call the pushing a "feature" :)

Thanks for the feedback its great that people are actually playing it.

P#75896 2020-05-05 22:12 ( Edited 2020-05-05 22:12)

Superbe :)

P#75957 2020-05-06 12:42

excellent conversion!

the code give me headache! lol

P#76090 2020-05-07 19:37

Oops. Have just updated to include a link to the unminfied code at:

P#76093 2020-05-07 20:19

Such a great tribute to the original game! It's awesome :)
I played for something like an hour and reached level 39 (over several attempts), and I definitely intend to play more.

The game feels robust and bug free.
On rare occasions though, I've encountered a strange level skip to a blank level for a few seconds (I guess, since it's blank, it has an automatic win condition which triggers a new skip to the next level). I'm not sure what causes it, but it might be related to taking an umbrella, since it seemed to happen somewhat randomly after the normal +3 umbrella level skips.
In case that helps, I've played on the un-minified version from itch, on the pico-8 (thanks for sharing the code, by the way!).

P#78848 2020-07-03 16:14

Incredible i love your demake

P#84505 2020-11-20 00:58

Thank you. I do intend (one day) to fancy-up the title screen and title music a bit. They were rushed in at the end.

P#84506 2020-11-20 01:07

I just saw the overview of this game over wireframe (I know it's from and old zine) and checked the game out
It's great! Wireframes criticism is something you can trust

P#85536 2020-12-17 21:43 ( Edited 2020-12-17 21:48)

WOW, impressive that you were able to execute this so well!

P#96747 2021-08-31 23:33

Thank you. It was a real mission but really pleased with hot it turned out!

P#96748 2021-08-31 23:36


P#96782 2021-09-02 02:38

Thank you!

P#96783 2021-09-02 03:18

Bubble Bobble is one of my all time favourite games and this outstanding conversion is one of the best things I've seen on Pico-8. I also made a video for it too:


P#96978 2021-09-06 23:09

That's an excellent play through. Thanks so much.

FYI: No bonus rooms (and a few other things that I couldn't fit in such as the end of level musical notes/ rainbow collections).

Also, there are umbrellas and a couple of other power-ups (flood the screen etc).

Glowing recommendation. Thanks.

P#96979 2021-09-06 23:21

great job very well done

P#119283 2022-10-19 05:01

how can i past level 35?

P#134638 2023-09-20 09:18

Can't believe I never commented on this. This is probably the second game I searched for (after Celeste of course). Bubble Bobble might just be the perfect arcade game IMO. This port is phenomenally good.

P#140709 2024-01-27 16:01

Really good! My final score: 18,640 on Round 11.

P#147895 2024-05-04 08:05

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