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Based on MECH.p8 demo.

Cart #wekahgaka-0 | 2020-04-18 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | License: CC4-BY-NC-SA



Based on MECH.P8 demo.


Great job with this! Music and sfx are solid (maybe turn the volume down a bit on the blast sfx). I really like the animation you created for the virus exploding, makes blasting through the enemies quite enjoyable. The recharging aspect definitely brings a challenge / balance to the play.

One thing I found odd was that I could just walk through the viruses without being affected. I feel like there's something you could do there, stunning the player maybe?

The other thing that would be nice is having some sort of high score. Maybe it's a timer on how long you stay alive or number of enemy waves you make it through?

Anyhow, I enjoyed playing this. Thanks for sharing!


Thank you: as I wrote the game, and therefore also the animations of the explosions, derive from the demo "mech.p8", included in the pico-8 package, to which I made some changes, to make it, unfortunately, current to the bad situation that the world is experiencing (and a little to demonize it).
The player is not affected by the virus because he wears overalls and a mask :) ...
I apologize for the bad english


Kill the COVID-19!

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