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Cart #graphplotter-2 | 2020-04-03 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

Graph Plotter

Been working on this for a while! Hope you enjoy!

This is my first pico-8 project so I'm open to critical feedback!

Version 1.1:

-Removed polynomial setting to make way for big update ;)
-Added ability to "stamp" current graph and then calculate the intersection of the two graphs (i.e. solve the simultaneous equations)
-Bug fixes


this is really good! I think you should add a feature to allow you to enter your own functions, but I don't know how difficult that would be

InsertUsernameYT Thank you! My intention when i started was to do exactly that, to make it so you could enter your own functions. This, once i began, i found to be very difficult. I will continue to work towards that target so i'll keep you updated!

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