Bug #1:
The built-in tuple "..." seems to confuse the syntax highlighter. Notice "END" isn't pink:
Not a big deal, but I figured you'd want to know.
Bug? #2:
Maybe a bug, maybe not. I just noticed that Ctrl+H goes to the start of the document (as with Ctrl+Home). On the other hand Ctrl+E goes to the end of the current line (as with plain End). Is this difference in behavior intentional? If so, no big deal. I just wanted to be sure it was intended vs. accidentally calling the wrong internal "home" or "end" function for one of them.
EDIT: Just as I posted this, I noticed that it's ^W/^E for line home/end, so I guess this probably isn't a bug. Disregard #2.
Thanks -- fixed both for 0.1.12d. Ctrl-H is supposed to be 'search across tabs' ("hyper"?), so it should do nothing if the search string is empty.
Oh, funny coincidence that it just happened to align with (H)ome. Heh. Well, I'm glad it was useful, then. :D
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