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Cart #lowknight-1 | 2020-11-28 | Code ▽ | Embed ▽ | No License

For some reason, I forgot to post this cartridge when it was originally made during the 2018 Demake Jam. Well, here it is now! This is the minified version, but the .p8 source is available on the itch.io page: https://krajzeg.itch.io/low-knight.

The game is a demake of and a homage to Hollow Knight. It was made in 6 days, so it's kind of rough around the edges, and the difficulty level is over the top. It is what it is, though, and still happy with how well it holds up given its development time :)



Incredibly smooth controls, what a great game :)


This is great, I love the original and this was a great "port" to pico-8!


i found a trick to speedrun this game i call it shoriuken
just press attack and jump at the same time


I can't believe this, haha. I've been working on a demake of Hollow Knight on and off for a while now too, and I've been beaten to the punch. It's great to see someone else's take on it! Really good work. Now, I'm just a ripoff of a ripoff! :(

But really, I think you've done a fantastic job here, and I hope to see some more soon!


the game is good,but the character is speedy and the jump is heavy,and this is a little bit sickening,but the game is much good :)


@krajzeg - thank you for finally uploading this here :)

@noppa - would you want to share your changes in the BBS?


@pjft Sure, I can try and share a minified version (haven't tried minifying before) if it's ok to @krajzeg. For now, here's what I did (thanks krajzeg for making the code so clean and readable):

Download the unminified cart from the itch.io-link above, find and edit the values that are initialized for the "hitbox" of the "spikes" object (I decreased by 2 from both directions), and similarily the "basebox" for "slash" (I increased by 5 in all directions). The falling speed can be tweaked by changing "self.vel.y", e.g. in the "speed limits" part.
And don't forget the soundtrack ;)

I gotta say though, after playing through it twice with different modifications, i kinda got gud at the game and was able to get all the charms and to the bossfight in the original version too, without too much difficulty. (Then I paused and disconnected my controller. After resuming, P8 didn't recognise the controller input anymore so I gave up:D Stuff like the downwards strike were so much easier for me with the controller.) So I can imagine that for some, the precise hitboxes may be a welcome challenge rather than too frustrating. And I'm sure the changes I originally made weren't perfect by any means either.


@noppa No problem, just mark it clearly in the name and on the title screen as a modified version.

The original version is definitely possible to finish, but it is very unforgiving - though I think it's really more to do with the overall speed (that includes the heavy gravity) than the hitboxes. There is also so much less space on PICO-8 that everything is on top of everything, giving you very little time to react.


I tried minifying for a bit, but couldn't get a working cart out with any tool yet. Since the changes are so minor, not like a proper mod, I feel I'm going to have to move the learning to use minifying/compression-tools for later.

Funny thing too, I now realized that I never actually really changed the falling speed :D I was wrong about editing the self.vel.y in the speed limit part, just managed to make the fall a bit choppy there. Instead, there is a place where the "weight" attribute is checked against the velocity, and setting that maximum lower reduces the fall properly.

Also, I realized that my previously increasing the nail hitbox from 3 to 8 was a bit ridiculous, for me something like 5 works well. I think the original 3 would be otherwise better, but it's nice to have a bit more diagonal reach, and with a bigger box enemies between the player and the nail also get hit (like @krajzeg said, due to the Pico-8 screen space the enemies pile up pretty easily).

I still like the spikes having a bit of leeway, but not saying it's objectively better:)

Thanks again for making and publishing the game, had a lot of fun playing it as well as messing around with it!


Really an incredible demake !!!
So bad there is no sound, it could be perfect with some sound effect...


I know these (this, slipways, pieces of cake, etc.) play fine embedded or o n itch.io, but they all have the same crash on newer versions of pico8...a bummer for me because I am running them on a rPi based portable device, with a newer ver. of pico8. They are the best games! I wish I could play them. I can't tell what the issue is (with the add function?) to fix it.
Maybe this isn't a priority for you, but consider making sure your great games are safe for posterity- if it's a quick fix.


Should be fixed for PICO-8 0.2.1b.


Its fun, but I think its a bit above my level of skill, I would like to be immune to spikes during my invincibility frames


I really loved the little of this I saw You've really captured the feeling of hollow knight in a limited palette.

Some sounds or music would really help it feel alive.


Its really fun!
Great adaptation of Hollow Knight into PICO-8!


Loved it! amazingly made


AMAZING just saying tho
I got the health healing nail soul AND invincibility charms and I don't know where the last one is... (also it would be cool with bosses)




tsk noice so hard for me but so dope


i love this game the controls are great but i wish there was more


this game is hard, not saying its a bad remake, but the momentum is slippery


cool demake of hollow knight, tried to speed run but the 3rd last room killed it


@McDuck I did some speedruns of this game early this year, so you can check them out if you think it'll help you complete yours.
low% = Wall climb only


woah i really like the water reflection


@hahhah42 I'm just doin it for fun to see how fast I can beat the game, plus I'm trying no death, but thx anyway.


so..... when is silk song?


all jokes aside this is a really really good demake olove it

How do I save


I found a possibly useful glitch that allows you to jump up the edge of screens and could even be used for speedruns. It is performed by moving towards the edge of the screen while a screen transition is already taking place, if you did the glitch correctly, you should not travel back to the other screen and you should be lined up against the edge of the screen. All you have to do from here is jump as if you were on the ground.


Cool game. There's actually visual mod that make's this a lot cooler. https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?pid=99708#p


Of course, what would any Hollow Knight demake be without aspids?

Seriously though, great game. Really well made.


I played Hollow Knight before, got 112% on the game. trying to get all of the achievements.
I love the demake! It has everything about Hollow Knight I like.
Including the pogo, gotta love the pogo.


that really works!!


Very smooth controls except for dash being binded to swing, also would have encouraged player to use up slash little more. overall fun, wish the nail upgrades hadn't been so spread around and been more impactful. I know ones alot to ask but being able to actually select a charm would be sick. So would 2 optional charm notches. One last thing, eye frames, if you get hit by something into spikes, you should get respawned, but no extra dmg.

All suggestions aside, this was fun and gets both my star and heart. Thanks for the great game!


This is truly an amazing game, great job! very difficult


I completed this demake with all charms gotten and i can say that you nailed it. I mean, you even added nail-bouncing! Very cool


I haven't played the original game, so I don't know if it's authentic or not, but the character being moved slightly forwards when you attack is a single game mechanic that completely ruins the entire experience for me. Great graphics and atmosphere, though.


Excellent game. Finally beat it, but upon restart, it seemed to softlock on the first screen of the game.

Lovely game! Super fun to play!


After spending a very long time trying, I can confirm that the game is beatable with only the nail. If you jump then slash up about 4 frames later, you do a really large jump, and that can be used to make it all the way to the final arena. From there, I spent like an hour trying to beat it with no charms, but eventually did it!

lastofavari in the actual game Hollow Knight you move backward when you hit something but one of the charms called Steady Body stops it at all

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