A competitive puzzle game, inspired by Yoshi's Cookie, with magic spells and a Smash Bros.-like percentage system where the last one standing on the platform wins!
Future iterations may include adjustable AI difficulty, selectable characters with different spells, and some snazzier visual effects.
Update v0.91: by request, added "slip cursor" movement style using (X).
Update v0.9: board-filling code is more diligent and now cannot generate spontaneous matches. Vertical matches are now checked first for possibly historical reasons.
(Character sprite based on Oddball's 8x8 sprites; title/countdown font is Alagard by Hewett Tsoi.)

Very nicely done - good gameplay!
The blocks are easy to identify and the control scheme clicks instantly.
Couple of comments:
- some more juicy effects would really sell the package as a pico classic
- too easy? playing solo, it took forever to beat the other guy!
- percentage? display a health bar, godammit!
- combo anyone?

This is sweet! Love the gem sprites, I often have trouble distinguishing between pieces like that in puzzle games and I don't here.
I agree with the above comments and would add one UI quibble: when I slide a row or column, I'd like my reticule to slide too, so that I can follow a piece I'm moving in one direction and then the other.
What's the motivation behind making full rows/columns instead of threes? I tried a three first and was surprised when it didn't work; having to complete the entire row feels kinda ponderous relative to the quickness of the music, effects, duel aesthetic, etc.
Super cute overall though and I will play more of it. :)

What's the motivation behind making full rows/columns instead of threes?
The core puzzle mechanics are derived from the Vs. Mode of the classic NES/SNES game Yoshi's Cookie.
- too easy? playing solo, it took forever to beat the other guy!
- percentage? display a health bar, godammit!
- combo anyone?
I'm not really clear on what most of this means.
- Are you finding the game too easy and want a harder opponent, or one that takes less time to beat?
- I can't display a health bar because there isn't a health amount. The damage amount can accumulate indefinitely, as with Super Smash Bros., and the knockback increases based on the target's current damage.
- Combos are already in the game, and award bonus pico-gems. Are you wanting a combo counter effect?

Thanks for making this game.
I had fun.
The only thing that I feel like it needs to be improved right now, is that there needs to be a ,,P1 won", ,,P2 won" or ,,AI won" text at the end of the game.
The first time when my mage got knocked off, I was unsure if I won or I lost. Only the 2nd time around, I realized that I lost.
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